Holy cow!! It really has been a month since I last updated this thing. I apologize to my ten followers for depriving you the "joy" of reading my oh so insightful entries. I've been busy since I last jumped on here.
I picked up a recent cover for the Eugene Weekly (see above image). The illustration is a supplement to a story about Carbon Sequestration (I hope I got that right). So what, you ask, is that? Here's the short and skinny of it. As various industries are being made aware of their total contribution of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, they are coming up with creative ways of essentially sweeping the excesses under the rug (so to speak). Rather than addressing the problem and striving to manufacture with less overall CO2 emissions, the latest idea taking hold is carbon sequestration. Essentially a large pipe pumps excess CO2 down into the porous bedrock of the earth. The only problem here being that in some of the "test sites" that CO2 is escaping from the ground, causing sickness in humans and livestock (cattle), and killing smaller animals with less ability to filter out these harmful emissions. So yeah, the whole idea behind this illustration was to give a bit of a smack over the head for people and make them aware of something that really gets little attention from our mainstream media in the first place. It was a fun image to create and I'm glad to say that my work has now been featured by the Weekly 3 times over the years.
I'm also happy to say that I'm picking up a couple paying free-lance gigs that have also lead to other parties interested in my work (I don't wanna let the cat out of the bag yet, but I'm talking with someone right now in the hopes of starting work that will not only pay me what I'm worth, but get great exposure at the same time). Needless to say, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
On the comic front, I've finished the thumbnails for a 26 page story (Shell) of my own creation here in the last month, and I hope to be able to turn that out by Emerald City 2011. I'm also moving along to the thumbnails for The Brass Knuckle Rituals issue 1.2. Our fourth 27 page book featuring Everyman Jones as he continues his adventures in the asylum of Dr. Moon. I've taken a break from this book for a few months, because this issue will be epic (in scope, and execution) and I wanted to come at it from a more rested perspective so that it kicks ten sorts of different ass. I for see completing thumbnails and moving on to the plotting and thumb-nailing of our first issue of, Dinos with Guns or The Muscle. This project is a creation of my own based off a title proposed by the inimitable Jason Zachary Pott, and I'm looking forward to having this on the table as well by next years Emerald City ComiCon.
So yeah, all in all, I'm keeping the nose to grind stone and churning out comics, graphics, whatever in a timely manner for all those who come looking. It'll be a hell of a year, if my chips fall where I think they will. I'll keep you posted folks. While summer may not actually be a sunny one, yet, my outlook is picking up. Back to the grind. More to come, always...