Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 48 - Week 10

Sorry about the late post today. Tying up loose ends just in time for Emerald City. See you guys sometime next week. Have a great weekend. :)

Daniel DePaolo

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 47 - Week 10 -

Another of a series of retro inspired astronauts. I also like entertaining the idea of the suit being a self contained personal smoking section.

Daniel DePaolo

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 46 - Week 10 -

Happy Monday folks!! It's now so close to Emerald City, I'm getting a little anxious. If you caught me 10 weeks ago, I resolved to post some kind of artwork every day Monday through Friday until ECCC 2012. Two more to go after today...Then you may not hear from me until after the show...Enjoy your week.

Daniel DePaolo

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 45 - Week 9 -

A quick late post toady!! Have a good weekend everybody...

Daniel DePaolo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 43 - Week 9 -

Happy Wednesday folks! We're officially a week away from Emerald City Comicon, and I'm putting the final touches on all the great new stuff we'll have up at the booth in Seattle. For today, I thought I'd post a little random black and white sketch that could best be described as visual free association. A little bit graffiti, a little psychedelic, but all me nontheless. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

Daniel DePaolo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 42 - Week 9 -

It's amazing what a little color can do for an otherwise ordinary sketch. This is another image that's going to print, and will soon be available for anyone to buy for their walls. Hope you like it! :)

Daniel DePaolo 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 41 - Week 9

Happy Monday you guys!! Here's a shot of a sketch I posted earlier in this marathon. It's been polished up, colored, and will soon be in print for mass consumption. Here it is "Shooter Squirrel!" Enjoy your week, ok?

Daniel DePaolo

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 40 - Week 8 -

Happy Free Sketch Friday fellow followers, friends,  and fans from afar. It's getting down to the wire here in Portland, and in less than two weeks my colleagues and I will be tabling at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle. It's going to be a great weekend, and everything I'll be bringing to the table is getting wrapped up in a nice little package ready for transport. I thought I'd post a full color image of one of the new posters I'll have at the table this year. Aside from being available at any comic show I go to these images will be regularly available for purchase through my Etsy shop. Hope you all have a great weekend. We'll see you on Monday!

Daniel DePaolo

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 39 - Week 8 -

A fun little piece for your Thursday. I'm not sure if he's strapped to some sort crazy suspended future DJ device, or if I just wanted to make him look like he had wings...either way, I'll probably color this at some time. I'll be sure to share when that happens.

Daniel DePaolo

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 38- Week 8

Hope your Wednesday is going well folks!! Here's a service robot with four arms and a giant vacuum tube sprouting in the background. Random...

Daniel DePaolo

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 36 - Week 8 -

Happy Monday folks! A little bit behind on today's post, but busy making final preparations for Emerald City 2012. It's a little less than two weeks away, and the time will fly from now till then given the projects on my plate and on the horizon here in the near future. For today, you get a quick sketch done in Kuretake ink pen on drawing paper. Enjoy your week guys! :)

Daniel DePaolo

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 35 - Week 7 -

Happy Friday you guys! Here's another robot piece. Similar to last Friday's post this image is also being colored right now and soon offered as 11x17 prints online or at comic shows...I'll show you what a difference the colors make soon. Enjoy!

Daniel DePaolo

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 34 - Week7 -

Here's a robot to brighten your Thursday. Hope you like it ...

Daniel DePaolo

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sketch-a-Day - Day 33 - Week 7-

It's Wednesday folks, hope you are doing alright this week. This is a panel from the final page of the newest issue of The Brass Knuckle Rituals, and once again this is a case of having to pick one of the better but not best panels on the page as opposed to giving away too much of the story. I do enjoy this panel for the economy of line, which the grey wash is only able to help accentuate. Enjoy!

Daniel DePaolo

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 32- Week 7

Happy Tuesday folks! Here's a panel from one of the last pages of the new book. Which means that here soon, you'll see nothing but spur of the moment instant gratification ripped from the pages of my sketch book. Hope you like this one, and have a good day.

Daniel DePaolo

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 31- Week 7 -

Happy Monday followers! A few more panels from pages of the new book, then its funky randomness from here on out till Emerald City Comicon 2012!! While Yo-yo Moureau may be a little worse for wear, he's still up to his same old tricks. Busy tormenting an overtaxed, exhausted Everyman Jones. Enjoy!!

Daniel DePaolo

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 30- Week 6

Happy Free Sketch Friday friends, followers, fans, family!! Here's a cleaned up pencil image just waiting to be colored and printed as an 11x17 poster. Hope you agree. Enjoy your weekend you guys!!

Daniel DePaolo

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sketch-a-Day -Day 29- Week 6

Happy Thursday you guys!! Not much else to say...Free Sketch Friday Tomorrow...stay tuned

Daniel DePaolo