Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Post Holiday Update - What's to come in 2015

The Holiday season has come and gone, and the New Year starts at midnight tomorrow. 
An update seemed in order.

For your viewing pleasure, a couple more finished pieces for this year's BIG 500 show. It hangs until January 11th, 2015, in Portland, OR and I believe you may still be able to get a piece or two of my work for next to nothing. At least...that was what was hanging at the end of opening night 
(that could have changed by now).

 I created ten new illustrations for the show, but, due to technical difficulties and tight deadlines, I was only able to get 7 good scans. So that's kinda lame for both you and me... But, trust me you get to see the best works featured in this year's show. 

The New Year holds a wealth of new opportunity and potential. 
I'm hard at work on my first 45-50 page comic story. I hope to have everything press worthy and in print later in 2015. To start this year, I'll be exhibiting and tabling at comic conventions for the first time behind my own table, my own name. It's exciting and intimidating to be sure. I'm hoping to use every opportunity to steer my small illustration business to bigger and better things. 

I'm also working hard at creating my own work, as well as client work, that I can feature and show off here and on my other various web portfolio's. This includes a quarterly e-mail and promo mailer to prospective clients throughout a variety of industries. It will take time for these efforts to bear fruit. I know how long it can be before the foot in the door becomes an open door. I'm patient...

For now... enjoy the new work...Have a safe New Year's Eve, and get back to work...

Daniel DePaolo


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